Fruit of four species of raspberry. Clockwise from top left: Boulder raspberry, Korean raspberry, Australian native raspberry, West Indian raspberry
The raspberry is the edible fruit of a multitude of plant species in the genus Rubus of the rose family, most of which are in the subgenus Idaeobatus; the name also applies to these plants themselves. Raspberries are perennial with woody stems. -Wiki..
Health properties:
The “raspberry ketones” are not some synthetic substance cooked up in a lab...
In fact, they're so natural you can smell them on an ordinary raspberry: “Ketones” give the berries their unique, sweet scent.
You'll see the incredible scientific proof behind raspberry ketones, and dieters and doctors alike are getting so excited about them.
Yet the most important difference with raspberry ketones is what you feel them doing for you, right from the start.
You see, unlike the usual artificial “metabolism boosters” and “appetite suppressors... raspberry ketones go right after the root cause of your hardest-to-burn fat, so you burn it off ONCE and keep it off.
That's because raspberry ketones actually transform and shrink your fat cells to split and burn the extra fat that's been TRAPPED inside them for months, years... even decades.
And instead of feeling like losing weight is draining your energy... raspberry ketones “unlock” your fat cells to turn all that unwanted fat into a new source of clean-burning, non-jittery kind of energy you never even knew you had.
Billy Beck lll
Raspberries are grown for the fresh fruit market and for commercial processing into individually quick frozen (IQF) fruit, purée, juice, or as dried fruit used in a variety of grocery products. Traditionally, raspberries were a midsummer crop, but with new technology, cultivars, and transportation, they can now be obtained year-round. Raspberries need ample sun and water for optimal development. Raspberries thrive in well-drained soil with a pH between 6 and 7 with ample organic matter to assist in retaining water. While moisture is essential, wet and heavy soils or excess irrigation can bring on Phytophthora root rot, which is one of the most serious pest problems facing the red raspberry. As a cultivated plant in moist, temperate regions, it is easy to grow and has a tendency to spread unless pruned. Escaped raspberries frequently appear as garden weeds, spread by seeds found in bird droppings.An individual raspberry weighs 3–5 g (0.11–0.18 oz), and is made up of around 100 drupelets, each of which consists of a juicy pulp and a single central seed. A raspberry bush can yield several hundred berries a year. Unlike blackberries and dewberries, a raspberry has a hollow core once it is removed from the receptacle. -Wiki......
Nutrients and phytochemicals
The aggregate fruit structure contributes to raspberry's nutritional value, as it increases the proportion of dietary fiber, which is among the highest known in whole foods, up to 20% fiber per total weight. Raspberries are a rich source of vitamin C, with 30 mg per serving of 1 cup (about 50% daily value), manganese (about 60% daily value) and dietary fiber (30% daily value). B vitamins 1–3, folic acid, magnesium, copper, and iron are present in raspberries.
Raspberries contain anthocyanin pigments, ellagic acid (from ellagotannins, see for instance the polyphenol ellagitannin), quercetin, gallic acid, cyanidins, pelargonidins, catechins, kaempferol and salicylic acid. Yellow raspberries and others with pale-colored fruits are lower in anthocyanins.Animal research indicates antioxidant and antiproliferative (chemopreventive) effects may be associated with phenolics and flavonoids in various foods, including raspberries.
Raspberries are a low-glycemic index food, as are other berries. -Wiki.......
Raspberry leaves can be used fresh or dried in tisanes. They have an astringent flavor, and in herbal medicine are reputed to be effective in regulating menses. -Wiki....Cultivation
Various kinds of raspberries can be cultivated from hardiness zones 3 to 9.[1] Raspberries are traditionally planted in the winter as dormant canes, although planting of tender, plug plants produced by tissue culture has become much more common. A specialized production system called "long cane production" involves growing canes for a year in a northern climate such as Scotland or Oregon or Washington, where the chilling requirement for proper bud break is attained, or attained earlier than the ultimate place of planting. These canes are then dug, roots and all, to be replanted in warmer climates such as Spain, where they quickly flower and produce a very early season crop. Plants are typically planted 2-6 per m in fertile, well drained soil; raspberries are usually planted in raised beds/ridges, if there is any question about root rot problems.
The flowers can be a major nectar source for honeybees and other pollinators. -Wiki...Diseases and pests
Raspberries are sometimes eaten by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species (butterflies and moths). Botrytis cinerea, or gray mould, is a common fungal infection of raspberries and other soft fruit. It is seen as a gray mould growing on the raspberries, and particularly affects fruit which are bruised, as it provides an easy entrance point for the spores.Raspberry plants should not be planted where potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, or bulbs have previously been grown, without prior fumigation of the soil. These crops are hosts for the disease Verticillium wilt, a fungus that can stay in the soil for many years and can infest the raspberry crop. -Wiki..
Amazon actually sell raspberry seeds $2.00 for 100 !!! the link is:<1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr
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